16 Casper Practice Tests

This page contains 16 Casper practice tests for the 2025 Casper test. The practice tests are designed to replicate the conditions of the real Casper test, including the timer for each question. Each test contains the same number and types of questions as the real Casper test. At the end of the test, you will receive a grade and overall feedback on your performance, as well as feedback on each individual question.

Unlock 16 Casper Practice Tests

Test your skils with realistic practice tests. Get a quartile grade with in-depth feedback on your performance.

Exact same format as the real Casper test

Text & audio scenarios, text & video answers

Timer cuts you off just like the real Casper test

In-depth feedback identifies trends in your answers

Good news! I got 4th quartile after using CasperPractice for like 2-3 weeks before my exam!! Also got an interview from the PA school I wanted to go to !! Holy crap aaaaahhhh 😭😭😭😭 thank you so much for your help

Fatima applying to PA school


Applying to PA School


Join Fatima and 6,522 other happy students.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some common questions about our Casper practice tests. If you have a question that is not answered here, please reach out to us in the chat or at [email protected].

What's the difference between the practice questions and the practice tests?

The practice questions are individual questions that give you an immediate grade and feedback after each answer. The practice tests are full-length tests designed to simulate the real Casper test. They are designed to simulate every aspect of the real Casper test, down to the screens, types of questions and responses, and time limits. See more here.

Are the practice tests realistic?

Yes they are! They are designed to simulate every aspect of the real Casper test, down to the screens, types of questions and responses, and time limits.

Are the practice tests free?

No, practice tests are only available in the Unlimited plan. See more in our pricing page.

What types of questions are included in the practice tests?

Our practice question features a range of personal and situational questions in both text and audio formats (in lieu of videos) with thesame number of text and audio answers as the official Casper test. These questions are carefully designed to simulate the types of scenarios you will encounter on the Casper test.

Can I take the same test multiple times?

You can only take a practice test once. After taking the test, you will be able to see your grade, feedback, and your answers but you won't be able to take it again.